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Dakota Drifters
Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2021

I.     Call to order

Greg Spiering called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

II.     Esteablishment of quorun

. 18 members were present

III.     Approval of minutes from last meeting

. The minutes from the December meeting were approved as written.


IV.     Treasurer’s Report—treasurer’s report was approved as read

V.     Old Business

a)           Christmas Party—Josh Weisbeck and Ethan Ness won the bean bag tournament

b)           Trails—Steve Harvey has talked to township board members and will be talking to farmers to get consent to run the trail on their property

c)           Charity Ride

1)     Dave Miller from SHP will be handling all of the baskets.

2)     There are 11 stops for the ride, all are associate members

3)     Lynn Nilsson gave a report on the progress of the planning.

d)            Veteran’s Retreat---has been cancelled.  The clubs donation will carry over to next year’s retreat

VI.     New Business

a)            End of year banquet—tabled to next meeting

VII.     Upcoming Events

a)           Governor’s Ride—Feb. 13th

b)           SnoCross at Sioux Falls Fairgrounds—Feb 19th-20th

VIII.     Adjournment

Lisa moved to adjourn the meeting, Dean 2nd the motion, motion carried, meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by:  Lisa Cain