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Dakota Drifters Club Meeting – Jan 8th, 2020

Location:  Prairie Lanes

Attendance:  20

Roger Thue called the meeting to order.  Roger asked for a motion to approve the 12/11/19 meeting minutes.  Walt (s).  Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Darrin Hai presented his report.

Trail boxes:

Boxes are now in place in:  Medary/14, Aurora, White Gas Station, Bruce corner

Trail repairs:  Ryan Raynor has given approval to start grooming, but there are some minor sign adjustments people have yet to finish.  Please contact Roger when complete.

Groomer repair:   Groomer is in the shop now awaiting parts for the differential.   Expected to be finished around Monday or so.

Charity Ride – Feb 1st   Lemke’s is confirmed for start/stop, also Bushnell confirmed yes.  Bill Kees is calling other stops to confirm and will update flyer to be ready to send to club next week.  Bo Ivers has volunteered for Check In and Registering

Veteran’s Ride:  Ryan is looking for 8 volunteers to help with Veterans ride in the Black Hills on the 18th.  Troy noted that he is bringing a group of 6 from SDSU, and also Aberdeen has 5, so there will be plenty of helpers.

Facebook page:  Discussion about if we can post to our page on FB.   Aaron says that we might want a separate “Brookings Area Snowmobile Riders” discussion page to talk about upcoming rides etc, so he is looking into that.

Grooming:  Walt mentioned that he really needs to avoid any water, as Watertown put their groomer in the water with high repair costs.  Please adjust your signs to match the groomer path.


Next meeting:  Feb 12th at Prairie Café (Prairie Lanes)

Roger called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.   Walt (m), Patrick (s).  Meeting adjourned.


Bill Kees

Club Secretary.