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Dakota Drifters
Meeting Minutes
November 11,2020

I.     Call to order

Bob motioned to adjourn the meeting, Darrin second, motion carried, meeting adjourned.    called the meeting to order at 7pm at The Lodge

II.     Establishment of Quorum

III.     Approval of minutes from last meeting

Bo Ivers made a motion to approve the October minutes. Troy Ness second the motion, motion carried.

IV.     Treasurer’s Report

a)           Darrin reported that we have 30 paid Members and 0 paid Associate Members

b)           Our current balance of checking and savings combined is $11,851.98.  Of that balance, $2750 is what we have for “fun money”

c)           A motion was made to approve the report.  It was second and voted on.  Motion carried.


V.     Old Business

a)           Trails

1.            Junk signs—not being recycled.

2.            Roller Packer discussion.  The state has approved and agreed to pay for a packer/roller for grooming the trails.  Bo motioned to go ahead with the packer/roller, Bob second the motion.  Motion carried.

3.            Bruce/Estelline trail.  There was discussion on taking over the signing and grooming of the trail that goes from Estelline to Bruce next year as the Poinsette Pounders are no longer signing or grooming this trail. Mason Ivers motioned to table the discussion until the December meeting. Bob second the motion. Motion carried.

4.            Bruce Trail.  Scott needs some help getting the Bruce trail put in this year.  Greg volunteered to help get it put in.

5.            More rebar is needed to make signs.

VI.     New Business

a)           State Convention—Greg, Walt and Dwaine will be our representatives at the convention. There are “Everyone Wins” raffle tickets available. They are looking for donations for the convention.  Jerry motioned that we purchase two raffle tickets, Bob second, motion carried.

b)           Groomer School—Groomer school, hosted by the Town and Country Snow Drifters was postponed to November 14th.  Patrick Pate would like to attend. Bob moved to pay to send Patrick, Gayle second, motion carried.

c)           Charity Ride.  There was discussion on what date to have the charity ride and which charity/charities that we would like to donate to this year. 

1.            Lynn motioned to hold the charity ride on February 6th, 2021.  Bob second, motion carried.

2.            There was a question of whether Sleep In Heavenly Peace was still in need of donations.  Bob reported that they have 927 beds built and still have a ways to go. Bob motioned to table the discussion of the charity, Darrik second, motion carried.

d)           Parade of Lights—it was decided not to participate in the Parade of Lights this year.

e)           Christmas party—there was discussion on whether to hold the party at the December meeting, or wait until January and have a Holiday party.  Roger motioned to have the party on December 11th, Josh second, motion carried. There will be a Bean Bag Tournament, prizes, give aways and appetizers.  Anyone wanting to bring Christmas treats are welcome to do so. We will be able to order off of the menu as well.

VII.     Adjournment

Bob motioned to adjourn the meeting, Darrin second, motion carried, meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by:  Lisa Cain