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Dakota Drifters Agenda
November 14th, 2012
Prairie Lanes
7:00 pm

Elected Officers:
President: Bo Ivers
  President Elect:      
Treasurer: Craig Fairbanks
Public Relations:   
Secretary: Jessie  Kuechenmeister

Board of Directors:
McLane Mertz
Wade Tangen

Roger Thue
Darin Hai
Cody Dritz

Number in attendance: 31

         Quorum met  
     Quorum not met


Bo called the meeting to order at 7:20pm. 

Secretary report – Bo gave an abbreviated secretary’s report.  M/S Danny/Reenie, motion approved.

Treasurer report – Craig reported $8952.13 in the checking and $241.27 in the savings.  M/S Roger/Bill, motion approved.

Public Relations report-Jessie/Roger/McLane.  Article submitted to Dakota Drifters with photo from the Hobo Day parade.

Presidents Report-Bo thanked new members and current members and talked about mission of the club.

Old Business:

News from the Convention—Walt and his wife represented our club as delegates at the convention.  SDSA is looking $250 for logo and club name and $100 for name only on state trailer.  Deadline to send in is December 15.  SDSA would also like to see reports of hours we do for others/charitable giving.  Nominations are needed annually for awards.  November 1-2, 2013 in Huron is the convention for 2013.  Snowmobilers for Snowmobilers was formed by Poinsett Pounders and Clear Lake-up to $500 can be applied for, for snowmobilers.

Review of Hobo Day Parade—Thank you to those who helped, especially Kali Lamp who drew the penguin.  A great time was had by all.  We ordered 1,000 magnets and distributed some of them during the Hobo Day parade. 

New Business:

Parade of Lights—Another opportunity for fun!  Dakota Drifters is registered for the parade.  The parade is December 6th, a Thursday evening.  The theme is Hollywood Christmas.  Ideas?  Safety trailer? Groomer? Signs?  M/S Sean/Cody to have the groomer in the parade.  Motion passed.  Those interested in helping decorate should meet Sunday, December 2nd @ 5pm at Meesters.  Kali offered to be a resource to spearhead the ideas for the parade.  Line up at 6:15-6:30 @ ULC and parade starts at 7pm.

Trail Marking—Bo is getting emails all the time that trail marking is getting done.  We have a request for help for 77 to the interstate past farmers implement.  Ray and Craig would also like help.  It was stated that marking trail is the clubs biggest fundraiser and it is important to have fun. 

Christmas Party—2nd Wednesday @ Prairie Lanes.    M/S Dan/McLane up to $250 on door prizes for Christmas party, motion passed. 


Decision on the trailer for the state is due by December 15.  Logo is 18 inches. 

Prairie Lanes has been more than happy to have us here.  A reminder we can use the bowling alley parking lot to leave from for rides.  Tonight Prairie Lanes is paying for 2 games of bowling for those club members who want to bowl. 

New snowmobile trail maps are available.

Craig mentioned doing a Rapid City/up north trip and reminded club members that he would be happy to coordinate.  If it is going to happen, we need to pick a weekend as they are filling up. 

Meeting Adjourned and bowling started!!

Members enjoyed hamburgers and fries, provided by Dakota Drifters.

Door prizes were given out (ham, turkey and 2 MREs).

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jessie Kuechenmeister, Secretary.