2023- 2024 Season

Home Up Mar 18, 09 Feb 21st, 09 Jan 21st, 09 Dec 17th, 08 Nov 19, 08 Oct 15th, 08 Oct 8th, 08

Dakota Drifters

First meeting:  October 8, 2008

Elected Officers:

President:             Ray Oines

President Elect:    Jerry Anderson

Treasure:              Rylene Telkamp

Public Relations: Roger Thue

Secretary:             Julie Thue

Board of Directors:

  • Past President:    
  • 2 years:                Aaron Tonsager
  • 2 years:                Dan Finn
  • 1 year:                  Mike Mannerud
  • 1 year:                  Bob Weisbeck

Number in attendance:

  • Quorum met 
  • Quorum not met

Secretary’s Report:  Read by Julie Thue.

Treasurer’s Report:  Given by Rylene Telkamp.

We have 13 paid members. 
Checking account: $4691.18
Savings account:  $3616.86

Ray mentioned that we need to pay Bruce for storage of the groomer.

Public Relations’ Report: No report

President’s Report:

Ray announced that our donation check from last year was delivered to “United Way” and a picture was taken for the newspaper for public relations.    Ray reported that we have a new (to us) groomer.  It is a 2003, has 4700 hours on it and has been well maintained.  Ray shared our new trail route also.

New Business:

Trail Marking:

a)     The DOT agreement starting date is November 1st for state highways, the local DOT can approve an earlier date.

b)     Aaron Tonsager will head the committee to organize the trail marking as he has in the past.

c)     We want to try to divide up the trail marking so that we can reduce the load on our club and try to recruit Elkton snowmobilers to help mark.

d)    We hope to gain more club membership from Elkton to help with the grooming also.

e)     We are lacking commitment from the White club to help mark trails.

Club Meetings:

a)     We discussed having our meetings at the VFW like we did last year.

b)    Ray will contact the VFW about holding our meetings there.

c)     We talked about holding our club meetings once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm. 

d)    Future (tentative) dates for meetings:

1.     October 15

2.     November 5 – Cubby’s Night

3.     November 19

4.     December 17 – Christmas party

5.     January 21

6.     February 18

7.     March 18

8.     April 8 - BOD meeting

9.     April 11 – Saturday, Banquet and pull out trail

      e)  Roger will get out a PSA on the radio for our club meeting on October 15th.


a)     Club Fundraiser:  We talked about doing a 15 X 15,  100 spot board for a big screen flat panel TV and/or a gun.  There were not enough members present to vote on this or any other matter.

State Convention:

a)      State convention is located in Huron, SD on November 14 - 15, 2008. 

b)    Our club is allowed three delegates to go to the state convention and the club will pay their registration fee.

c)     The deadline for nominees for “Groomer of the year,” “Snowmobiler of the year,” etc. is November 1st.

d)    Ray has raffle tickets that can be sold for the State Convention.  They need to be sent in by mail prior to the dates of the convention or taken there and handed in, in person.

Well wishers committee:

a)  Julie Thue brought up the idea that our club should send Dan Finn’s father Jim who passed away on October 6, a memorial.  Roger Thue motioned that we send a memorial in the amount of $25.00.  The motion was approved and carried.  Roger will contact Roshal Lamp, head of the committee, with the above information.

Meeting adjourned.

Next business meeting: October 15, 2008